How to Re-purpose a Hamper Basket

How to Repurpose a Hamper Basket

Receiving a wonderful box full of delicious goodies is one thing… but what about when all the sweet treats have been polished off?

It turns out, there’s plenty of ways you can re-use and transform your empty gift baskets and give them a completely new lease of life. So if you’re lucky enough to have a few empty gift hampers lying around, check out these top tips on what to do with old hamper baskets.

10 Great Ideas to Re-use Your Wicker Hamper

1. Make a Hamper for Someone Else

Of course, a great way to repurpose an empty hamper is to use it for what it was made for! If there’s a special person in your life that has a big celebration coming up, then putting together your very own basket of goodies is a great way to let them know how much you care. Whether they’re a wine & cheese connoisseur or a big beer lover, this is a great idea that’s both personal and fool-proof!

2. Picnic Baskets

Perfect for those long summer afternoons, repurposing your empty hamper box into a stunning picnic is a great idea if you plan on getting out and about this year. Most empty gift hampers have plenty of room for sandwiches, snacks and drinks… so the only thing left to do is find the perfect spot to enjoy a spot of lunch al-fresco style!

Our Picnic Hampers

3. Bathroom Storage for Toiletries

It’s safe to say that the majority of us have a mountain of soaps, shampoos and bottles of body wash all stacked together on a shelf in the bathroom. However, if you’re looking to de-clutter your space then using your empty gift hampers for storing bathroom toiletries could be a great idea! Aside from getting rid of clutter, it’ll look aesthetically pleasing too!

4. Make a Floral Display

Perfect if you have empty wicker hamper baskets without lids, making flower baskets is a simple yet elegant idea, especially if you’re looking to brighten up your outdoor space with a bit of colour! All you’ll need is some compost and some flowers and you’re good to go! Whether you use them like plant pots or have them hanging up by the handle, this is a cheap and cheerful way to repurpose an empty hamper basket.

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5. Kitchen Storage

Are the cupboards looking a bit full? If you don’t fancy a day of de-cluttering your kitchen you can always use your empty hamper box to pack away small utensils and décor you might not use every day of the year. For example, do you have a stunning tablecloth or cutlery set that only comes out at Christmas? Alternatively, you could use your empty hamper boxes for storing small condiments like spices, preservatives and dried goods.

6. Beds for Small Pets

For those of you that own cats and dogs out there, you’ll know that sometimes, no matter how much money you spend on pet beds, they’ll almost always find somewhere else to sleep! If you don’t want to take the risk on splashing out on your furry friend, you can always pack your empty hamper boxes with soft blankets and plush pillows and make an awesome bed for your pet. We can’t guarantee total success with this, but if it pays off, you’ve just saved yourself a shed-load of money!

7. Car Storage

Do you have a few loose items knocking around in the boot every time you drive? Do your future self a favour and pack them into that empty hamper box you have lying around! After all, it’s recommended that all drivers have a few emergency items in the back of your car in-case of an emergency or a breakdown.

8. Storage for Toys & Games

If you have small children, you will know all to well how often toys get left lying around the house. Whether it’s kids or your furry companion that has too many toys and not enough places to put them then maybe it’s worth considering transforming your empty wicker hamper baskets into a compact storage box! For the pets, you can always store bags of treats, collars and plenty of other stuff in here too.

9. Special Occasions

Do you regularly host guests at your house? Or maybe there’s a big celebration coming up like a wedding or birthday… whatever it may be, bringing out your empty hamper boxes can be a great idea for a number of reasons; blankets for when it gets cold, space for putting away handbags and coats, space for storing cans and bottles, etc. Some high quality christmas advent calendars can be refilled and used every Christmas, rather than just once. 

10. Make a Keepsake Box

An empty hamper basket would be perfect for a special keepsake box where you can store photographs, scrapbooks, mementos from trips & holidays, etc. Wicker baskets are known for being strong and durable, so you can be sure that your keepsakes are kept safe and away from sunlight. Besides, when it’s time to kick back and reminisce about old times, all of your precious memories will be neatly kept all in one place!

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